Dr. Caleb Antonio Rascón Estebané

Possible Projects

Here is a list of all the proejcts I can supervise, divided in three subject areas:

Diagram desribing the subject areas

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Impact of Robot Audition on Human-Robot Interaction
Masters: in the implementation and performance of modules (Speech Recognition, Navigation, etc.).
Masters: in the performance of the interaction with users.
Room Response Estimation
Bachelor: only the estimation. Juan Pablo Martínez Fichtl
Masters: filter the reverberation in a statica acoustic environment.
Acoustic Mapping
Doctorate: initial exploration of the acoustic environment, estimating the room response in different parts, extrapolating such responses for reverberation filtering in a dynamic environment.
Viability of Robot Audition Techniques in Hearing Aids.
Bachelor: evaluate the Generalized Sidelobe Canceller technique. Dulce Apolonio
Bachelor: evaluate the Minimum Variance Distortionless Response technique.
Automatic Filtering for Hearing Aids
Masters: using beamforming techniques.
Simulation of Sound Source Direction
Masters: using head related transfer functions (HRTF).
Integral Design of Audition System for Hearing Aids
Doctorate: separate a source of interest and simulate its direction.
Postdoctorate: separate several sources of interests, simulate their directio, within the confines of a hearing aid.
Filter Noise Expected Bioacoustics Applications
Bachelor: using the Minima-Controlled Recursive Averaging technique.
Localize and Separate one Sound Source in a 3D space for Bioacoustics
Masters: using beamforming techniques.
Doctorate: using the MUltiple SIgnal Classification and Geometric Source Separation techniques.
Singing Birds Species Classification
Bachelor: offline, of known species.
Masters: online, in a real environment, of known species.
Doctorate: online, in a real environment, of known and unknown species.
Identification of Individual Singing Birds
Bachelor: offline, with only birds of one known species
Masters: online, in a real environment, with only birds of one known species
Doctorate: online, in a real environment, without known their species
Integral Design of an Audition System for Bioacoustics
Postdoctorate: localization and separation of all the sources, classify accordingly, and keep the census.

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Multiple Mobile Sound Source Localization
Doctorate: in a 3D space with reverberation and noise using few microphones
Doctorate: in a 3D space with reverberation and noise using a varying amount of microphones
Multiple Mobile Sound Source Separation
Doctorate: in a 3D space with reverberation and noise using few microphones
Doctorate: in a 3D space with reverberation and noise using a varying amount of microphones
Sound Source Classifcation
Bachelor: between "voice" and "non-voice".
Masters: between different types of sources, by the acoustic characteristics.
Speaker Identification
Bachelor: between known speakers.
Masters: online learning for identification. Ivette Vélez
Doctorate: online learning with a small amount of information for identification.
Evaluation of Robot Audition Techniques
Bachelor: evaluation of 1 to 3 localization, separation, and classification techniques.
Bachelor: complement the AIRA evaluation corpus with mobile sound source in a limited range of motion. Aldo Millán
Bachelor: complement the AIRA evaluation corpus in noisy environments.
Bachelor: complement the AIRA evaluation corpus with a greater number of microphones.
Masters: complement the AIRA evaluation corpus with with mobile sources in a 3D space.
Audio Features for Machine Learning
Bachelor: tests with popular features.
Masters: modify a popular feature.
Doctorate: create a novel audio feature.

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Firmware Upgrade for 8SoundUSB with Audio Processing Techniques
Bachelor: basic techniques, such as band-pass filters, volume control, etc.
Masters: advanced techniques, such as non-stationary noise filtering, spectral substraction, ambient noise filtering, etc.
Bachelor: develop an adapter between standard microphones to the input standards of the 8SoundsUSB.
Design of a Lightweight Audio Interface with a Highly Variable Amount of Microphones
Implementation of Robot Audition Techniques in Embedded Systems
Bachelor: audio adquisition with JACK, in Raspberry PI. Dennis Mendoza
Masters: basic techniques, in Raspberry PI.
Doctorate: advances techniques, in a FPGA or a hybrid with Arduino.